Many children and adults occasionally have difficulty focusing in class or at work.  There are even times when both children and adults have excessive energy or act impulsively.  However if attention problems and impulsivity are affecting work, school, or social relationships, it can be worthwhile to assess if there is an attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder.  

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder can vary depending on the individual.  Some have more difficulty with sustaining attention, organizational skills, shifting focusing from one task to another, and procrastination and monitoring of school or occupational work.  Other children or adults have a harder time controlling impulses, including speaking out of turn, understanding personal space, and making decisions without considering the consequences.

The most common type of ADHD is a combination of both attention difficulties and impulsivity.  This assessment will determine what are the specific difficulties related to ADHD and the recommendations are specifically tailored to address the areas of concern and bolstering the areas of strength identified during the assessment process. When a child or adult struggles with an attention-deficit disorder, it can not only affect academic or occupational work, but social interactions and self-esteem as well.

Many places have a lengthy wait list; however, I can generally complete assessment and feedback within 4-6 weeks after the initial intake and rarely have a wait list for testing. Additionally I currently accept Cigna Healthcare, United Healthcare, Colorado CoOp, and Rocky Mountain Health Plans.  Other plans may have out of network benefits and depending on your plan some of the testing may be reimbursed.  The Private Pay rate depends on the complexity of the case and if additional testing is required.

After completion of testing, I provide a formal report with the results of the testing, diagnoses, and recommendations for further treatment.

Tests Given for a Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Assessment

Wechsler Intelligence Scale: WPPSI (ages 2-6), WISC (ages 7-16), WAIS (ages 17+)

IVA+ 2



Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Functioning

Conners Adult ADHD Rating Scale or D-Refs

Behavior Assessment System for Children-3

Other Assessments as needed